As RF and microwave systems require higher performance in a small footprint, designers and engineers need to get more out of every component, including capacitors. To meet these demands, Knowles Precision Devices has expanded its line of single-layer vertical electrode (V Series) capacitors to include the 100nF V80 Bypass Capacitor. The V80 is a revolutionary development for capacitors as it is the first SLC to feature an operating voltage of 50V in .084” x .042” package. The closest competitor product at this size is only rated for 16V.
A Close-Up of the V80 Bypass Capacitor
If you are not already familiar with the Knowles Precision Devices line of V Series SLCs, these capacitors were designed to provide higher capacitance in a smaller footprint, especially compared to general purpose MLCCs. Additionally, with our line of SLCs, impedance becomes lower at higher frequencies, which helps filter out noise and irregularities in the power line, creating a smooth supply voltage for the circuit. More specifically, with the new V80 SLC, which is built on one of our proprietary Class II dielectrics, our SLC line now is expanded to include capacitance that is 10X higher at 100nF, while also increasing the operating voltage rating to 50V, all in an incredibly small footprint.